Lando Norris blinks again at a crunch moment in the title race, writes JONATHAN McEVOY with Max Verstappen extending his lead as Brit finishes fourth and Charles Leclerc wins in Texas

New Photo - Lando Norris blinks again at a crunch moment in the title race, writes JONATHAN McEVOY with Max Verstappen extending his lead as Brit finishes fourth and Charles Leclerc wins in Texas
Lando Norris blinks again at a crunch moment in the title race, writes JONATHAN McEVOY with Max Verstappen extending his lead as Brit finishes fourth and Charles Leclerc wins in Texas
What you cannot do is offer your title rival the freedom of Texas and expect to beat him to the most fiercely contested prize in motor racing. That is what Lando Norris did in the US Grand Prix and Max Verstappen needs no second invitation. He is adept at threading his rampaging Red Bull through the eye of a needle with sledgehammer force, let alone blast down a hole he should never have been afforded.
More >> Full Article on Source: VENUS MAG
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